{{ "License Expiry Reports" | tr }}
{{ "Email me a weekly report" | tr }}
{{ "All Spaces" | tr }}
{{ "This Space" | tr }}
{{ "Export CSV" | tr }} {{ "Export PDF" | tr }}
{{ "Week" | tr }}
{{ "Month" | tr }}
{{ "Show Expired" | tr }}
{{ "Custom" | tr }}
{{ "Start" | tr }} {{ "End" | tr }}
{{ "This week" | tr }}
{{ "This month" | tr }}
{{ $ctrl.startDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }} - {{ $ctrl.endDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }}
{{ "Expiry date" | tr }}
{{ "License Name" | tr }}
{{ "Type" | tr }}
{{ "Days to Exp" | tr }}
{{ "Agreement file" | tr }}
{{ "# Use" | tr }}
{{ "# Pub" | tr }}
{{ "No licenses about to expire" | tr }}
{{ "Turning amber" | tr }}  {{ "this week" | tr }} {{ "this month" | tr }} : {{ $ctrl.startDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }} - {{ $ctrl.endDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }}
{{licence.expires.rfc3339 | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate'}}
{{ "Expired" | tr }}  {{ "last week" | tr }} {{ "last month" | tr }} {{ "during: " | tr }} {{ $ctrl.startDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }} - {{ $ctrl.endDate | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate' }}
{{licence.expires.rfc3339 | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate'}}
{{ "Now" | tr }}
{{ "No red or amber licenses" | tr }}
{{ "Red now" | tr }}
{{licence.expires.rfc3339 | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate'}}
{{ "Amber now" | tr }}
{{licence.expires.rfc3339 | siteDateTime : 'mediumDate'}}
{{ "The report is shown in your site's default time zone: {t} (currently {d > 0 ? d : -d}{[-1, 1].includes(d) ? 'hr' : 'hrs'} {d > 0 ? 'ahead of' : 'behind'} your local time)" | tr : {t: $ctrl.siteTimeZone, d: $ctrl.offsetDiff} }}